The people systems people ...
Copyright © 2015 by
Allied Business Systems Inc.
All Rights reserved
What is Custom Software?
Custom software is software that we build to your exact specifications. We start with some basic software modules and tailor them to your needs. While more expensive than "ready to run", it means that your business will run exactly as it needs to, and not like somebody else's business.
HR Software

Allied began publishing its Human Resources Software in 1983. As one of the first small computer HR systems available, we quickly saw that no two companies were alike. So we chose to customize each and every HR package for each client. This way the package reflects your ways of doing business, your policies, and requires fewer changes over the years. Our software can grow with your business, whether you are branching out, or just growing up.
The following PDF papers that describe each product may be downloaded and reviewed.
Then when you are ready call us and we arrange a demonstration of the software packages of your choosing.
CAPS: The Computer Assisted Personnel System. This is the main HR package. It is can serve a company of 20 or 20 thousand, and covers all the areas of personnel record keeping.
The Applicant Tracker: There are really two main versions of this package. The first is for the standard recruiting office and tracks applicants from initial contact until final determination. The second versions is for the company that does large seasonal hiring and must recruit many people in a short period of time, usually on a seasonal basis.
Applicant Tracker PDF Download
The Affirmative Action Analyst: This software prepares the numerical portions of your plan. The training provided helps you write your firsts plan. It greatly simplifies the process from year to year.
A3 PDF Download
The Skills Tracker: This vital software tracks the skills sets of each employee. Various analytical tools assist in seeing the skills sets within different jobs. It is a must for any training department.
Skills Tracker PDF Download